Issue 18 Spring 2021 of Door Is A Jar Literary Magazine features the creative works of 38 contributors from all around the world
Nina Adel
Mehreen Ahmed
Mya Alexice
Jane Ayres
Alexis Beale
Mark Belair
Jean Biegun
Mac Bowers
Elijah Christopher
Selena Cotte
Glory Cumbow
Jason de Koff
RC deWinter
Maxwell I. Gold
Jeff Fleischer
Phebe Jewell
Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Luis Jefté Lacourt
Robert McGee
Brian D. Morrison
C.G. Nelson
Simon Perchik
Dana Robbins
Drew Alexander Ross
Sandip Saha
Claire Scott
Harvey Silverman
June Son
Liam Stainsby
Edward Michael Supranowicz
Sher Ting
John Tustin
Nick Visconti
Ashley Wagner
Lydia Waites
Keegan Waller
Bear Weaver
Amanda Woodard